Friday, August 22, 2008

Ebbs and Flows

I always wondered why people had blogs and then only wrote in them a few times a year. Now, I know. Life moves and shifts and changes. When I started blogging, I was an intensely introspective time and it really helped me work through my thoughts. (I was also crazy deep into scrapbooking every single day...much to my husband's chagrin.) Later, I started a new blog when I wanted to get serious about my health and my diet.

It seems now that I'm in a more sociable time, I tend to log onto Facebook and see what people are up to.

I think I have addressed this topic here before...I have serious attention issues. My interests change SO FAST. I am intesely focused for a little while and, before you know, I have dropped that thing entirely.

Blogging is awesome, though, I think I will come back to it pretty regularly. Next on my "intense" agenda, though is my teacher relicensing. My brain (and my wallet) are really wanting to re-enter the work world!

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