Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Torture at American Girl

Ahhhh, spring break...only the weather systems don't know it. Nonetheless, we are trying to make the best of it and we were off to a really good start. Yesterday we arrived at IKEA shortly after they opened. The kids checked in to Smaland to play and I bought a new down comforter with some birthday money. I picked up the kids and we headed over to get frozen yogurt cones. On our way to the bistro seating, there was a gal doing really cool face-painting...compliments of IKEA. Katie got an amazing tabby cat mask painted and Abby got a tiny Hello Kitty on her hand. Then we headed to Legoland where we played and helped comfort a little boy who was lost until he could be reunited with his mom. Katie picked out a couple of new outfits, a swimsuit and shoes for summer (thank you G'ma Karen and G'pa Jay!) Finally, we made our way to the American Girl store.

Katie has been devouring books lately...we love this! She has read through two of the American Girl historical series and is working on a third--Kaya (a Native American girl.) She's also read a couple of the contemporary stories about Chrissa. It seemed like a fun idea to visit the store that celebrates these stories she has enjoyed so much. Well, there was apparently a misunderstanding about the goal of our visit. She was convinced that she would get to bring home a doll. In case you don't move in this world, you ought to know that these dolls cost a hundred dollars...and then you add on any number of cool, period-specific accessories... Some time ago, I mentioned to Katie that if she was ever interested in getting one of the dolls, it would be a good birthday wish item and I'd like to know which her favorite was.

Recall that she had her face two-thirds covered in yellow and back cosmetics and you will understand the drama that ensued when she began to cry over not buying a doll. "Why did you bring me here if you were just going to torture me?" she wailed in her characteristically LOUD cry. The salty tears blazed a messy trail down her face and began to drip onto her white shirt. Accusations and recriminations rang in my ears all the way from Bloomington back to St. Louis Park.

Thus ends a great day together.

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