Monday, March 31, 2008

Welcome to the family!

Spring fever is a strange thing in me. I used to regularly chop off all my hair around April. More recently, I've taken to going ga-ga over animals when spring rolls around. One year it was a freezing cold April trip to see baby animals at the zoo. Four years ago, it brought us to the Humane Society and we came home with our beloved cat, Levi. Well, this got us our first-ever family bunny.

Let me introduce you to Padme (pad-may, for those of you who aren't Star Wars fans!) She is a dwarf lionhead rabbit, 14 weeks old. She is also very hard to get a good picture of! She's a busy girl. We love her already and it's a good thing since she poops all over the place and peed on our bed last night.

You can surely expect more stories and pictures in upcoming posts.

1 comment:

Liane said...

Congratulations on your new baby! Darling.