Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Busy Season

May officially begins one of our family's two "busy seasons." (The second one runs from late September through Christmas!) This one is ramping up a little early this year.

Two weekends ago, my girlfriend and I waited out the storm and made our girls' weekend trip a day late. We had a fanatastic time and I hope to post some funny (to me) pictures on the blog, but, honestly, I'm trying to make a couple of quick scrapbooks to share with the girls first. Last weekend, DH went on the company reward trip to Cancun for 4 days and it was all I could do to survive. (I'd be a poor single mother.) Last week, Abby had day surgery to remove a bump from her finger, Katie had a field trip to the History Center and Owen had a field trip to Orchestra Hall. There was a lot of scheduling and running around, but it was all important family stuff. And I'm tired.

My back went out and has been giving me trouble, so I've been to the chiropractor umpteen times in April. It was better and now it's worse, again.

But, Hubby is home and the sun is finally out. Yesterday was gorgeous weather for a Minnesota April and then it stormed last night. Yeah! Spring has arrived!

One final update...Padme Bunny is doing spectacularly. She is a very messy girl, but that's my only complaint. We have her "condo" constructed and it suits her well. She sits for long spells in front of a mirror (keeping herself company? vanity?) She eats like I can't believe. She's this tiny thing and she just chows. For the record, she doesn't like celery or green pepper =) Katie is doing her Imagination/Inventors Fair project on her and that is this Thursday night. Kate has been very involved in her care...she's great with animals. Now, we have two days to document that "care" for the fair and prepare to show her off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad the bunny is settling in. Hope your back is better by now.