Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Alone Time, Where Art Thou?


Have you ever deone the Myers/Briggs Inventory? I took it during college when I was an R.A. and we were doing some team-building. Mostly, it told me what I already knew, but on the I-E spectrum, I was surprised. I landed pretty much on the line between introvert and extrovert. I thought that, given my inclinations towards public speaking and drama that I was a clear extrovert. Hum??

Years went by and I got married. That first year was hard for me. I didn't control everything in my world (Myers Briggs should add a Control-Roll Over spectrum.) And I didn't want company all the time and I really didn't even want to be with my husband all the time. I just wanted to be alone sometimes. Well, having three children in five years was not the answer to that problem, I tell you! Now, I'm up to my ears in parenthood and I sooooo understand why Myers-Briggs thought I could be an introvert. It turns out that introvert/extrovert is more about where you get your energy than how talkative you are. I clearly do NOT get my energy from other people. I like them just fine, I just need to have a quiet brain to refuel when I'm tired or to relax when I'm stressed.

It's right about now that I am longing for a little retreat. Far, far away. In the woods or by the lake. Alone.

Such a sweet, sweet word.

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