Monday, October 13, 2008

Live to Create

Someone asked me today how I knew "so much about computers" (her words, not mine!) All I could tell her was that I just love technology and I learn so I can do...

There's something new that I want to be able to do...
I've been working to create some of my own digital scrapbooking supplies and a few things are cool enough that I'd like to share them. I need to learn how to link people up with them using the blog. (Other people make it look so do I zip this up, store it somewhere and give you a link????)

This is a preview of some sequined elements that I think are very cool and could be useful to someone! The real thing is a .png with 12" borders and a few other embellishments. I've already used them on a layout and I want to develop some more winter- and Christmas-themed embellishments. They remind me of those sequined Christmas bulbs with straight pins...

1 comment:

Jeani said...

Hey Kris, haven't been blogging for a while and thought I'd stop by and see what you were up to. Creative genius, as always! If you get a chance, stop by my blog and play some scrap bingo! Hope all is well!